Kriegstage - Textauszug

MIRA placed her items - a mirror of her dietary intake - into Victor's empty shopping cart. Although the Afghanistan veteran did in fact have a hotplate in her makeshift attic apartment, she was by no means a fan of washing up and thus tended to consume things like bread, potato chips and chocolate. She reached for Victor's hand. His grip was still somewhat limp. She had been right. Victor presented no impediment to her. He accepted her - as Sven and Henry's old friend - as part of the apartment share's existing framework. She let go of the limp limb, noticing that he was stealing yet another glance at her breasts. The very sight of her made Victor's heart race with anxiety. And Mira found him strange. She had helped him move into the share. It turned out that Victor had been living on the opposite side of the street - for about half a year. Be that as it may Mira had never seen him around the neighborhood. The thing that struck her about the move itself was that no one, apart from her and Sven, had helped out. Supposedly all of his friends were tied up on that day for one reason or another. And, as Sven had told her, ever since becoming a part of the share Victor had proven himself to be a real homebody, always glued to his bedroom computer. Maybe it was an expression of loneliness. Maybe he was just some timid late-bloomer. Maybe Victor was still a virgin.
She walked beside Victor's shopping cart as he scattered it with his own hodgepodge of items - bananas, apples, eggs, salami, a bottle of fruit juice, three bottles of club soda, a can of 'extra hold' hair spray - what on earth did he need that for. And as they walked, she tossed around an idea at the back of her mind. What it would be like to deflower him - limp limbs and all. "My birthday's tomorrow, and I'm having a get together at the Can Club," Mira said. In truth her birthday was today. But she kept that to herself, because Sven would be working at the club tomorrow. Which of course meant that he'd be there till the end of the party, just like her - given that she was the guest of honor. And he would be obliged to keep toasting her, until the moment came when he was tipsy enough for Mira to seduce him. At least that was the plan.
"Tomorrow?" Victor repeated the word and focused on the loaf of sliced bread he was holding as if its wrapper held the mysteries of the Rosetta Stone.
"You will come. Won't you?" It was more a command than a question. If Victor accepted her invitation, it would be nearly impossible for him to refuse her next request: might she be able to take a quick shower at his place. Even had she not invited him, she was sure he would not refuse her. But it was better like this. This way, she could avoid turning it into a request. It was a simple matter of give and take. The same motive often drove her to ask him whether he'd care to attend any of the concerts she teched. Even though he always took a rain check, preferring to be a stick in the mud. Nevertheless, the offer stood and was meant sincerely. She was always able to put a name or two on the concert guest lists and she wanted to do something nice for Victor. After all, he'd just started writing Mira's invoices on his computer and what else could she offer him in return? Old fashioned female talents like sewing, knitting and baking were not her forte. Maybe there'd be no viable option left but to deflower him. A simple matter of give and take.
"Yeah," said Victor. "Thanks." He let the loaf of sliced bread slide into the shopping cart and headed toward the checkout counter. At last he'd taken Mira up on one of her offers. With a sweet sense of satisfaction Mira went on to her next question. "I was wondering whether I could shower at your place." She thought she was fully entitled to a nice warm shower on her birthday - even if no one was aware that it was today.
"Yeah. I'll head home with you."
"Alright. Umm…do you happen to know what time it is?" Mira readily pulled her mobile phone out of a pocket in her military cargo pants while Victor rambled on. "The watchmaker is supposed to stop by today and take a look at the toilet."
"Ten-thirty," Mira said, disregarding the precision of the digital display's ten-thirty-six reading.
"Cuz the back pipe has been leaking. And it would be good if no one was in the bathroom."
"No sweat. I'll make it quick."

THE WATCHMAKER glanced at his watch. Quarter to eleven. 10:45 AM exactly. He was scheduled to meet with the deadbeat anarchists in just fifteen minutes. The apartment share on the first floor. That Krueger woman's hippie nest. A mainly male institution. Heaven only knew what went on in there.
The watchmaker stood in his workshop. His watchmaker's loupe rested above his right eye as he tinkered away at a Hublot watch. It was a beautiful piece. And brand new they ran for about € 5,000 a pop. These days, he seldom got the opportunity to work on items of this caliber. Business was bad. People were rarely taking in their timepieces to be repaired - he'd get an occasional watch if he was lucky. The trend these days was out with the old and in with the new. However, it wasn't small specialty shops like his that customers were patronizing, opting instead for department stores like Kaufhof or Galleria Kaufhof as it was now referred to. Recently, something called ebay had been factoring into the equation as the antique dealer across the way had informed him. Apparently, the internet was burgeoning into a mammoth antique outlet and driving the bottom out of retail businesses like his. Online dealers had the advantage of having to pay either little or no overhead since their own apartments could serve as warehouses. Virtual retailers could therefore offer their goods at dramatically lower prices than storefront competitors. And according to the antique dealer, the same economic pattern was beginning to take shape in other branches of industry - including the watchmaker's own. To him it was just another sign of the times and further proof that life in East Germany had indeed been better than today's state of affairs. But this was something he'd never voice to the antique dealer. For the antique dealer was a West German and a gentleman.
Everyday, promptly at 5:00 PM, the watchmaker would leave his store on the south side of Oranienburger Strasse and pay a visit to the antique dealer on the northern side of the street. It was the high point of his day. The watchmaker enjoyed sitting in the fine establishment among the precious antiques and talking shop.
The two shopkeepers were linked by more than just mere proximity. Neither was subject to paying rent and neither sold much merchandise. And thus both of them had copious amounts of time on their hands.
However, their very appearances gave one a sense of the differences that separated them. The watchmaker had a trimmed moustache and wore his hair in a neat part. Clad in a tasteless or, at best, badly tailored three-piece suit, he would pace in front of his storefront like inspector Clousseau, observing the local goings-on. The antique dealer was quite the opposite. He simply stood under his shop's awning, casually sporting a t-shirt and designer suit. He let the wind blow through his unkempt hair like an unconcerned pensioner and always looked as if he could use a haircut. He certainly wasn't the type who'd have purchased a building on the south side of the street.
And upon closer inspection their social standings proved as distinct from one another as their looks. One was almost prone to think of theirs as a difference in class. On account of the actual geography, it was equally compelling to regard them as one would a classic dichotomy of north and south. The antique dealer's attitude toward his business was a reflection of his leisurely take on life. It wasn't really that important to him whether, when and how much he actually sold. For unlike the watchmaker, the antique dealer was a rich man. He owned the building that housed his small antique store. It also happened to include the hopping, fast-food pizzeria next door. The tenant was a large, bull-necked Arab, who paid employees just enough to starve on. At all hours of the night countless pizzas were fired and fed to ravenous tourists. As a token of their thanks his minions held a parking spot free in front of the pizzeria every morning for when the Arab thundered in with his metallic-blue BMW 540. The businessman had made many unsuccessful attempts at courting the antique dealer's daughter, who lived like a princess on the top floor of the building. A great weight was finally lifted from the antique dealer, when the Arab reworked his game plan, eventually making his way over to the clothing store on the south side of Oranienburger Strasse, or better said, to its tall shop girl with the ass that wouldn't quit and conspicuous overbite.
The antique dealer lived primarily off his personal fortune and the monthly rents he collected. The antique shop was more or less a hobby of his. This of course was something he would have never said to the watchmaker. As a well-to-do western transplant, he felt a sense of guilt toward the native easterner. It was for this reason that he fed him half-truths about internet commerce. It was a way of distracting the East Berliner from his wealth as well as a means of providing him a bit of comfort. For the antique dealer thought it as likely that the watchmaker's business would soar on the wings of capitalism as he did that the south side of the street would ever see sun.
And indeed the watchmaker's world ran according to a different system. He operated his business with the help of his wife. She took care of the books and all the various things that needed to get done. She sat at the front of the store, selling to customers while her husband handled the repairs at the back, chewed the fat with the antique dealer or attended to his duties as the building's manager - a job that exempted him from paying rent. The watchmaker had taken on the position after the landlady gave his untrustworthy predecessor the boot. The landlady was a widow. Her husband had been a high-ranking officer in the German armed forces during the Second World War. Her property was to be transferred over to the Jewish Claims organization one day - something she hoped she wouldn't live to see. According to her explicit instructions nothing in the house was to be repaired unless absolutely necessary. A loyal soldier was required to carry out these orders and the watchmaker proved quite suitable. It was his job to tend to the complaints and damage reports of the few remaining building tenants. Ideally, he was to play them down, trivialize them or brush them under the rug altogether. Only if there was no way of skirting the issue, meaning that either the tenants had threatened to withhold a portion of the rent or that the bathroom was underwater, did he concede to directly addressing the issue - and make repairs if necessary. As it were, numerous tenants in the building had already taken the liberty of lowering their rent on account of the various gross and pesky deficiencies they had to put up with. Many in fact had been enjoying this sort of financial kickback for quite some time. That Krueger woman and her hippie commune were not among them. They had exhibited a degree of restraint where matters like these were concerned, because Krueger had been illegally subletting portions of her residence. Not that the war bride paid it any mind. Her main concern was to avoid taking on new tenants - better that the old ones paid. The watchmaker however regarded the situation a bit differently. He took advantage of Krueger's shady dealings to refute all claims that might have entitled her to the occasional repair job or rent cut. But he recently received a written letter in which she stated her intent to withhold payment should her leaky toilet pipe not be fixed. It seemed the hippies were trying their hand at civil disobedience. The watchmaker had no choice but to schedule an appointment with That Krueger woman, which was to take place in precisely 57 seconds -according to his clock. He removed his loupe, changed from his smock to his suit jacket and headed up the stairs. It crossed his mind that nobody would answer the door. In all probability the entire household was either baked or otherwise incapacitated. Still he was mentally preparing himself to come face to face with an entire band or anarchists, paying homage to the apartment on account of the day's antiwar demonstration. That's at least how it was several years ago during the Love Parade when 20 Dutchmen camped out in the flat.

VIKTOR was seated at the computer in his bedroom. He had not so much as heard a peep emanate from behind the double-doors separating his room from Sven's. He was apparently sleeping off a long night at the Can Club.
Viktor leaned back in his chair and scrutinized his layout for the website he'd been designing titled "Ann's Room." Future visitors were to be made privy to Ann's behind closed doors love life. The start page introduced surfers to the site's object of utmost desire. Cursors were then to scroll to the center of the screen, where a series of smutty snapshots were just a mouse click away. An illuminated white field revealed images taken by a hidden camera, played back in a slide show at split-second intervals. As there were no nudie shots of Ann at present, Victor substituted a haphazard assortment of porn stills appropriated from various online amateur sex sites. Serving as place holders, these were sequenced and matched to dummy text that ran to the right of the images as they appeared on screen. The blurbs went something like this: You are about to enter the love nest of a nymphomaniac named Ann. She leads an unassuming life with her husband and two kids in the rural countryside. But hubby doesn't know everything about his little woman. For she secretly runs a sex den in the city. It is here that she meets with anonymous men, feeding her insatiable appetite. Little does Ann suspect that a hidden camera is exposing her every move - to you…
The text wasn't all that original, but then again Viktor wasn't used to writing script. Nonetheless, the start page gave surfers a good taste of what awaited them within, and allowed them to navigate their way to preview pages, where stealth video streaming clips of Ann getting dressed and undressed where played. Once convinced that Ann and the quality of her clips merited further inspection, surfers could feast their eyes on explicit material of Ann in action by dialing the pay per view number before them.
In truth, 'Ann's Room' was nothing more than Ann's apartment share bedroom, and the woman herself none other than Viktor's roommate and lessor. This obvious parallel would have to be reworked, but then again, 'Ann's Room' was just the project's working title.
Henry let Viktor in on his juicy little project just prior to going away. Although Viktor didn't find the idea half bad in and of itself, there was something strikingly absurd about the thought of spying on their roommate and lessor with a hidden camera. He didn't think that Henry would actually go through with it. Still he wouldn't dare put a damper on his plans, especially after Henry was kind enough to let him in on them. Viktor wanted to make a good first impression on his roommates. He wanted to win points with them. When Sven told him that Henry would be returning to Berlin this weekend, Viktor was quick to draft a few initial pages. Now he went over them unenthused. The only thing that he really liked about his work was the array of amateur porn stills he'd snatched from the web.
The doorbell derailed Viktor's train of thought. He instantly knew who it was. It was eleven o'clock on the dot, and that meant the watchmaker. Viktor paused for a second, listening for any sign of life to come out of Sven's room. Being the most senior member of the share, it was more or less Sven's duty to act as spokesperson for the others at these sorts of things. The watchmaker, whom Sven often referred to as Red Agent Rolex, often gave the members of the share a hard time during his house calls. For the residents knew, that the watchmaker knew, that Anne had forgotten to request official permission to sublet rooms in her apartment when she signed the lease. But not a creature was stirring in Sven's room. And after the doorbell rang a second time, Viktor decided to step up to the task.
The watchmaker had already started to make his way downstairs when Viktor opened the door. The older man turned around and was aggravated as he laid eyes on an unfamiliar face. "Where's Ms. Krueger?" The question contained an undercurrent of irritation.
"Swell," Viktor thought. It was finally his turn to match wits with Red Agent Rolex.
"Ms. Krueger is at work…" he answered truthfully. He was trying to work out something to say along the lines of 'she's presently indisposed and therefore asked me to act in her name.'
"Ms. Krueger scheduled an appointment with me for eleven o'clock this morning," responded the watchmaker with an air of triumph as he approached Viktor and indicated to his watch.
"Ms. Krueger told us to expect you…"
In a huff, the watchmaker pressed his fists into his sides. "The appointment was scheduled with Ms. Krueger for eleven o'clock this morning. It seems she is not at home. The whole thing is quite unacceptable." And with that he turned around and motioned for the stairs, fully prepared to call off the meeting.
Viktor gave it another go.
"She asked me to let you in."
"The appointment was scheduled with Ms. Krueger. Now I'm to deal with the likes of you. The whole thing is quite unacceptable." The watchmaker's fists were digging deeper into his sides as he shook his head. "The whole thing is quite unacceptable. What am I supposed to do now?" The question was more to himself than to Viktor and he glanced at his wristwatch as if might hold the answer.
Suddenly it dawned on Viktor. It was a game. He began to think of it like a computer adventure: The Search for the Holy Flush. As long as he kept supplying the wrong response, the watchmaker would continue to dig his fists into his sides, shake his head and say that the whole thing was quite unacceptable. As a result, Viktor had not made any progress. He'd have to take another approach rather than claiming to be acting in her name if he wanted to get the watchmaker to set foot in the apartment.
"Well, since you're already here..." his words met with nothing but head shakes. "I mean, surely you could…" more head shakes. "It must also be in your best interest to get the toilet pipe fixed." The head shaking stopped and the watchmaker looked blankly at Viktor. Bingo! He'd said the magic words. In a moment of resignation, the watchmaker lowered his fists from his sides, took one more look at his timepiece and stepped inside. "I still find the whole thing quite unacceptable," he muttered to himself. "Quite unacceptable. I scheduled the appointment with Ms. Krueger…"
Viktor scurried down the hall ahead of the watchmaker, passing through the living room - thankfully Mira wasn't sprawled out on the sofa engrossed in the television. Finally, they reached the second hallway where the bathroom was located. Viktor opened the door. Steam rushed toward him, and beyond the clouds he saw - a beast! It was entirely unexpected. Some cynical computer programmer must have been having a field day. For the toilet was occupied by a naked tattooed leviathan with long, damp, black hair. It was holding a newspaper and emitting a foul stench. Viktor's new mission entailed: conquering the crap monster in order to clear the path to a sanitary flush. The guileful crap monster turned its head towards toward him. "Viktor! Can't you knock?"
"Mira!" Viktor hissed. "The watchmaker has come to fix the toilet."
"Oh," Mira was taken aback, but the words registered.
Viktor turned around and shut the door to the toilet behind him. The watchmaker was standing right in front of him, and Viktor practically mowed him over. "Just a moment. There's someone in there," Viktor said and a grin came over his face.
The watchmaker flinched and began to rehash his tired shtick, shaking his head and peering at his wrist. "What am I supposed to do now?" Viktor heard the toilet begin to gurgle. He looked pleadingly at the watchmaker, who stood before him like a tenacious computer virus, fists in sides and head shaking. "The whole thing is quite unacceptable." A glance at his watch. "The appointment was scheduled with Ms. Krueger." Fists digging deeper into sides. "What am I supposed to do now?" Shaking head. "The whole thing is quite unacceptable…"
The bathroom door swung open. Wearing nothing but a thong, Mira entered the hallway with her clothes piled in front of her chest. The dragon tattoos on her muscular upper arms were peaking out from under swampy, black strands of hair. The watchmaker stared at her aghast. "Are you Ms. Krueger?" he asked in a slight stutter.
Mira stood in front of the watchmaker, stuck out her chest so that her imposing wrack could do its magic and stared down the building manager with a sinister look. "What do you mean Ms. Krueger?"
With this mysterious retort Mira left the watchmaker dead in his tracks and marched off. "Bulls eye," thought Viktor.